Sophia Mello Breyner was a very imaginative poet. She wrote very sad poems, but at the same time, she wrote very beautiful poems for her children.
We think the interview was very good, but we think she had answer everybody's questions.
Greetings to all.
6th grade of CEIP of Sestelo. Galicia.
domingo, 28 de abril de 2019
sábado, 6 de abril de 2019
• What
is your name?
- Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa.
• What is the
date of your birth?
- I was born in Lisbon on June 13, 1888.
• Does the name Antonio have much meaning for you?
- Yes, because I was born on the
day of Saint Anthony, who is the Patron of Lisbon.
• Tell us about
your parents ...
My father died of tuberculosis when I was 5 years old
and his name was Joaquim Seabra Pessoa.
• Did your brother George's death
have much influence on your writing?
- Yes, it did. After his death I
began to create imaginary friends and wrote letters to myself. So I did not feel alone.
• Where
does contact with the English language come from?
- My mother married again, with Commander
João Rosa, who was consul in South Africa. I began to receive a British
education, which gave me the contact with English and began to write poetry and
• When does your literary activity begin?
- In 1905 I go back to Lisbon alone and live in the house of my aunt Anica. I begin
to write articles on poetry for the magazine "The Eagle". I also start meeting important
and intellectual people, like Mário de Sá Carneiro and Almada Negreiros, and founded
the magazine "Orpheu".
• When do you start writing with different (heteronymous) personalities?
- In March of 1914. The first one was Alberto Caeiro where he wrote a set of poems
called "The Keeper of Poems" and "The Keeper of Herds," Álvaro de Campos,
Ricardo Reis, Bernardo Soares who was the author of the "Libro do Desassossego" .
• There is a very difficult time in your life ...
- Yes, it was with the death of my
friend Mário de Sá Carneiro, who committed suicide in Paris. At this point, I
begin to write sonnets as the "Steps on the Cross".
• His girlfriend Ophélia Queiroz also created a heteronym ...
- Yes. Ferdinand Pessoa.
• Why did you
decide to break your courtship?
- Because I needed more time for my literary work. Since I was not dating and my mother was very ill, I returned to South Africa and began to write my work.
• While you was alive you only published 1 book ...
- Yes, it was called
"Message" and it was a set of verses on the History of Portugal.
Fernando Pessoa died on November
30, 1935, in Lisbon, due to excessive alcohol throughout his life.
Dies at 47 years of age.
The last sentence before dying
was written in English:
“I know not what tomorrow will bring…”
Francisco - nº14 |
_______________João - nº19 |
quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2019
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