quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2019


quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2019



1. Por que abandonaches España?

Porque a miña vida estaba en perigo despois do
levantamento do xeneral Franco. Fuxín a Marrocos e
despois a México. Pasei antes por Francia. Dalí
embarquei cara a América.

1.- Why did you leave Spain?

Because my life was at risk after the coup of general
Franco. I escaped to Morocco and then to Mexico.
Before that I spent some time in France. I took a ship
there heading to America.

2. Que estudiaches en Madrid?


2.- What did you study in Madrid?


3. Como se titula o teu primeiro filme?

Almadrabas, en 1934. Era un documental sobre a
pesca de atún na costa andaluza.

3.-What's the name of your 1st film?

Almadrabas, in 1934. It was a documentary about the
fishing of tuna in the Andalusian coast.

4. Foches arrestado algunha vez?

Si, unha vez. Pasei catro meses nun campo de
concentración de prisioneiros en Francia, cerca da
fronteira con España.

4.-Where you arrested?

Yes, once. I spent four months in a prisoner camp in
France, near the Spanish border.

5. Canto tempo viviches en México?

Uns cincuenta anos, desde que fuxín de España
durante a Guerra Civil ata o ano 1988.

5.-How long did you live in Mexico?

About fifty years, since I escaped from Spain during the
Civil War until 1988.

6. Coñecer a Vicente Risco foi crucial para a túa
pertenza ao movemento galeguista?

Si, desde logo. Vicente Risco foi unha figura destacada
para os galegos daquel tempo. Era un home tímido,
irónico e moi intelixente. Axudou a despertar a
conciencia sobre a defensa da nosa cultura e dos
dereitos políticos. Escribiu Teoría do Nacionalismo
Galego, que é un libro esencial. Despois de 1936
renunciou ás súas ideas e salvou a vida aceptando a
dictadura de Franco.

6.-Knowing Vicente Risco was crucial to your membership in galleguismo?
Yes indeed, Vicente Risco was an outstanding figure
for the Galicians at that time. He was a shy man, ironic
and very smart. He helped to arouse the conscience
about the defense of our culture and political rights. He
wrote Teoría do Nacionalismo Galego, an essential
book for Galician nationalism. After 1936 he resigned
his ideas and saved his life accepting Franco's

7. Explícanos mellor en que consiste o galeguismo.

Consiste en defender a lingua e a fala galega, os seus
dereitos, a cultura galega e o seu peso político na toma
de decisións para toda España. Galicia estaba
completamente esquecida polos gobernos españois.

7.-Explain to us better what is galleguismo.

It is focused in defending the Galician language, its
rights, Galician culture and its political weight in making
decisions for the whole Spain. Galicia was completely
forgotten by Spanish governments.

8. Traballaches con grandes directores, escritores e
pintores. Cal te fascinou máis?

David Alfaro Siqueiros foi un gran pintor. Ademais foi
amigo meu. Acolleume cando cheguei a México por
primeira vez. As súas pinturas contan a historia da
revolución mexicana.

8.-You worked with great directors, writers and painters. Which one fascinated you the most?

David Alfaro Siqueiros was a great artist. Furthermore,
he was my friend. He welcomed me the first time I
arrived at Mexico. His paintings tell us the history of
Mexican revolution.

9. Consideras que foches recoñecido no teu país algo

No final da miña vida, cineastas galegos pedíronme
que regresara. Recibín o recoñecemento que viña
desexando desde facía tanto tempo e estou feliz por ter
axudado a que seguisen facendo películas sobre o
noso país.

9.-Do you consider that your recognition by your country was late?

At the end of my life, Galician film-makers asked me to
come back. I received the recognition I had been
yearning for such a long time and I am happy to help
them to go on making films about our country.

10. Onde creaches a túa primeira película de

Na costa occidental de Andalucía para facer un
documental sobre a pesca do atún.

10.-Whe did you create your first short film?

At the western coast of Andalusia to shoot a
documentary film about the fishing of tuna.

11. Como xurdiu a túa paixón polo cinema? Tiveches
outras paixóns?

Eu descubrín o cine grazas a unha película de
Alexander Dovzhenko titulada A terra (Zemlya). Os
campesiños que alí aparecían eran iguais que os da
miña terra. Logo vin o filme de Robert Flaherty sobre a
vida dos pescadores en Irlanda. Alí estaba toda a miña

11. How was your passion for cinema born? Had other passions?
I discovered the movies with Earth (Zemlya), a film by
Alexander Dovzhenko. The peasants I saw there were
the same peasants from my country. Then I saw the
film by Robert Flaherty about the life of fishermen in
Ireland. There it was all my childhood.

12. Como coñeciches o director Luis Buñuel?

Luis Buñuel necesitaba unhas formigas para unha
escena da súa película Un perro andaluz. O meu
profesor díxome que el non era capaz de mandarllas.
Entón eu propuxen facer unha excursión pola serra do
Guadarrama para conseguilas. Moitos anos despois xa
en México achegueime a el e entregueille un
formigueiro artificial coa formiga vermella, que tamén
existe naquel país. Buñuel quedou moi sorprendido. Así
foi como nos coñecimos en persoa.

12. How you meet the film director Luis Bunuel?
Luis Buñuel needed some ants to shoot a scene for his
film Un chien andalou. My teacher told me he was not
able to send them to Luis. So I suggest to go for a walk
by the Guadarrama range to get them. Many years
later, in Mexico, I got close to him and I gave him an
artificial ant's nest with the red ant. It also exists in that
country. Buñuel was astonished. So this was the way
we met each other.

Work done by 5th grade students and their tutor David.
CEIP de Sestelo-Baión. Vilanova de Arousa. Galicia. España